The Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Part 1.

1. when was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
 He was born on Monday, 12th Rabi Al Awwal, April 22nd, 571 AC.

2. wherever was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
 In Makkah 

3. what's the name of the Prophet's father?
 Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib. 

4. what's the name of the Prophet's mother?
 Aminah Bint Wahhab Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Zahrah. 

5. when and wherever did his (prophet's) father die?
 He died in Madina before Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was born.

6. what's the name of the Prophet's grandfather?
 Abdul Muttalib. 

7. What was his granfather's position?
 He was the chief of his kinship group Bani Hashim. 

8. what's the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) lineage up to his fifth ancestor?
 he's Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Qusai Ibn Kilab. 

9. who suckled the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 first Thuyeba, the freed slave lady of his uncle Abdul Uzza called Abu Lahab, then Haleema Bint Abu Dhuaib, best called Haleema Al Sadiyah. 

10. who named the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 Abdul Muttalib. 

11. What did Muhammad's (p.b.u.h.) mother name him?

12. Why did she (the Prophet's mother) select this name?
 as a result of she saw an angel in a dream calling the new-born baby Ahmad. 

13. however old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his mother died?
 Six years old. 

14. wherever did his mother take him?
 She took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to go to her relatives. 

15. wherever did his mother die?
 On her way back to Makkah, she died at Abwa and was buried there.

16. who brought Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) back to Makkah?
 His father’s slave lady, Umm Aiman (May God be pleased with her).

17. who took the charge of his care?
 His grandparent Abdul Muttalib.

18. how long did The Prophet's grandfather take care of the Prophet Muhammad?
 for 2 years. 

19. how was his (Abdul Muttalib's) behavior with Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 He beloved him very much and preferred him to his own sons. 

20. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell concerning his grandson?
 That he would hold a prestigious position.

Continue. . . .

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