Why Our Prayers Are Not Answered?
IBRAHIM IBN ADHAM - might God have mercy on him - a 3rd century scholar, an instructor and a companion of Sufyaan ath-Thawree, was asked about the old saying of the saying - the most High:
"AND YOUR LORD SAYS: appeal me i'll ANSWER YOUR PRAYER..." [Soorah Ghaafir (40): 60]
We supplicate and that we are not answered." therefore he said to them:
- You recognize God, however you are doing not obey Him,
- You recite the al-Qur'an, however don't act according to it,
- You know Shaitaan(Devil), however you have got agreed with him,
- You proclaim that you just love the messenger of God, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, however you abandon his way of life,
- You proclaim your love for Paradise, however you are doing not act to achieve it,
- You proclaim your concern for the fire, however you are doing not stop yourselves from sins,
- You say "Indeed death is true", however you have not ready for it,
- You engage yourselves with finding faults with others, however you are doing not look into your faults,
- You eat of that that God has provided for you, however you are doing not give thanks Him,
- You bury your dead, however you are doing not take a lesson from it...